1. Zhao R.J., Cheng J., Yuan Q.K., Chen Y.P., and Kim Y. Contributions of Emergent Vegetation Acting as a Substrate for Biofilms in a Free Water Surface Constructed Wetland. Membrane Water Treatment, 2019, 10(1): 59-67. 2. Chen Y.P., Park K., and Kim Y. Particle Retention in Compact Constructed Wetlands Treating Highway Stormwater. Water Science and Technology, 2014, 69(7): 1440-1446. 3. Chen Y.P., Park K., Niu S., and Kim Y. Performance of a Half-saturated Vertical Flow Wetland Packed with Volcanic Gravel in Stormwater Treatment. Water Science and Technology, 2014, 69(11): 2331-2338. 4. Chen Y.P., Cheng J., Niu S.P., and Kim Y. Evaluation of the Different Filter Media in a Vertical Flow Stormwater Wetland. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2013, 51(19-21): 4097-4106. 5. Chen Y.P., Guerra H.B., Min K.S., and Kim Y. Operation of the Vertical Subsurface Flow and Partly Submersed Stormwater Wetland with an Intermittent Recycle. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2012, 38: 378-388. 6. Niu S.P., Guerra H.B., Chen Y.P., Park K., Kim Y. Performance of vertical subsurface flow (VSF) wetland treatment system using woodchips to treat livestock stormwater. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2013, 15(8): 1553-61. 7. Yu J.H., Yu H.X., Chen Y.P., Cheng J., and Kim Y. Post-treatment schemes of the outflow from hydrocyclone treating paved-road stormwater runoff. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2013, 51(19-21): 4028-4034. 8. Ko W., Park K., Chen Y.P., Kim Y. A Study on Non-point Source Pollutants from Pavement of Coastal Area and Guidance for Selecting BMP. Journal of wetland research, 2013, 15(4): 543-553. 9. Chen Y.P., Heidi B. Guerra, Cheng J., Kim Y. Treatment of urban stormwater in pilot-scale vertical flow wetlands packed with different substrate materials. 16th Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 8th Conference on Resource Oriented Sanitation. Perth, Australia, 2019, Oral presentation. 10. Jiyeon Choi, Jevelyn Ann Tobio, Jungsun Hong, Gigyung Yu, Lee-Hyung Kim, Youngchul Kim, Yaoping Chen, Jing Cheng. Formulation of design guidelines for the cost-effectiveness of constructed wetlands in improving water quality. International low impact development conference 2015. Houston, USA, 2015, Poster. 11. Chen Y.P., Cheng J., Yuan Q.K., and Kim Y. Contributions of emergent vegetation acting as a substrate for biofilms in a free water surface constructed wetland. 14th IWA International Conference – Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control. Shanghai, China, 2014, pp. 372-382. 12. Chen Y.P., Niu S.P., and Kim Y. Particle separation and the accumulation of clogging matters in three bio-filters treating urban stormwater. IWA Specialist Conference – Advances in particle science and separation: from mm to nm scale and beyond. Sapporo, Japan, 2014, pp. 87-91. 13. Chen Y., Niu S., Park K., Cheng J., Yuan Q., and Kim Y. 2014. Removal of Copper, Zinc, and Lead from urban stormwater runoff using bio-filters. Korea Wetland Society Conference on Wetlands, Incheon, Korea, P-12. 14. Park K., Chen Y., Niu S., Cheng J., and Kim Y. (2014). Treatment of agricultural stormwater by a channel-type wetland. Korean Water Congress, Ilsan, Korea, D-21. 15. Yuan Q., Chen Y., Park K., Niu S., Cheng J., and Kim Y. 2014. Effect of Vegetation Coverage in a Stormwater Wetland on the Treatment Performance. Korea Wetland Society Conference on Wetlands, Incheon, Korea, C-4. 16. Cheng J., Niu S., Yuan Q., Chen Y., Park K., and Kim Y. 2014. Nitrogen Removal and Release of Organic Matters in a Synthetic Fibre Packed Vertical Flow Wetland for Treating Livestock Diffuse Pollution. Korea Wetland Society Conference on Wetlands, Incheon, Korea, C-5. 17. Park K., Niu S., Cheng J., Chen Y., Yuan Q., and Kim Y. 2014. Nitrogen variation in a constructed wetland in livestock area. Korea Wetland Society Conference on Wetlands, Incheon, Korea, C-5. 18. Niu S., Cheng J., Park K., Yuan Q., Chen Y., and Kim Y. 2014. Design of the stormwater wetland: How water quality volume (WQv) is related with the pollutant reduction? Korea Wetland Society Conference on Wetlands, Incheon, Korea, P-13. 19. Chen Y.P., Kwon Y., Zhao R., and Kim Y. Compact constructed wetland system for urban stormwater pollution control. The 16th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication (DIPCON). Beijing, China, 2013, pp. 50-52. 20. Cheng J., Guerra H.B., Chen Y., and Kim Y. Effect of Foaming and Released COD from Polypropylene Fiber on Nitrogen Removal in a Vertical Piggery Stormwater Wetland. 11th IWA Conference on Small Water & Wastewater Systems and Sludge Management. Harbin, China. 2013, Session Ⅱ. 21. Yengjun Kwon, Yaoping Chen, Jing Cheng, Heidi B. Guerra, Youngchul Kim. (2013). Pollutant reduction in the VSF stormwater wetland packed with different media. 2013 Water Korean Conference, Daeju, Korea, 596-597 (Poster 163). 22. Niu S.P., Chen Y.P., Cheng J., Shin J., Kim Y. (2013). Operational study of the recirculated woodchip wetland for the treatment of livestock stormwater. 13rd Conference on Korean Wetlands Society, Bugok, Korea, 145-146. 23. Chen Y.P., Niu S.P., Park K., Guerra H.B., Cheng J., Kim Y. (2012). A comparative study of filter media used in a vertical subsurface flow stormwater wetland. Korean Water Congress, Ilsan, Korea, pp. 107-108. 24. Cheng J., Niu S.P, Chen Y.P., Park K., Guerra H.B., and Kim Y. (2012). Effect of water quality parameters on the survival of indicator microorganisms in stormwater wetland. Korean Water Congress, Ilsan, Korea, pp. 115-116. 25. Guerra H.B., Niu S.P., Park K., Chen Y.P., Cheng J., and Kim Y. (2012). Nitrogen and phosphorus removal models for a wetland receiving stormwater from rural areas. Korean Water Congress, Ilsan, Korea, pp. 113-114. 26. Park K., Cheng J., Chen Y.P., Niu S.P., Guerra H.B., and Kim Y. (2012). Sediments deposition in the forebay of stormwater wetland. Korea Wetland Society Conference on Wetlands, Incheon, Korea, 95-97. 27. Park K., Guerra H.B., Chen Y.P., Niu S.P., Cheng J., and Kim Y. (2012). Diffused pollutant runoff characteristics from parking lots in coastal areas. Korea Wetland Society Conference on Wetlands, Incheon, Korea, 217-218.